A Natural Mother

What happened to me on Clomid is appearing to be happening to me on follistim. I’m sensing a trend, and it’s really the most bizarre thing.

As a recap, when I was on Clomid, it would work (get me to ovulate by growing my follies) the first time I was on a new dose. So, when I started on 50 mg, it worked. But then, the second time I would use Clomid and start on that same dose I finished with last time, it wouldn’t work, and the doctor would have to up my dose. This happened while on Clomid three different times, and my doctor would just let me stair-step my cycles (not get my period and just keep going instead). Out of the six rounds of Clomid I took, three got me to ovulate. And yes, those three were every other time.

The first round of follistim got me to ovulate. They had to play with that dosage a bit because 50 iu’s weren’t working after a while. So, a week and a half into the shots, I was upped to 75 iu and bam, I grew 3 follies and ovulated. Guess what. I’m on my second round of follistim, and the doctor started me off at 75 iu, since that’s what worked last time. It’s been over 2 weeks now – that’s a lot of shots, and I have one, count them, one small follie, barely over 10 mm. Why am I not surprised? It’s like the first time I use a drug, my body hasn’t seen it before and responds appropriately. The second time, my body fights it off like it’s nobody’s business, daring me to try yet another drug or procedure.

That whole, don’t go on vacation because your estrogen is too high not to see us 3 days in a row thing, was crap. It’s been a week and a few days since then and it’s not looking good. That said, the doctor wanted me to continue this cycle. It’s not as if he gave up on it. But this cycle is going to be one follicle strong. Just one.

I’m not begging for multiples here, and I don’t mean to imply that. However, there’s something about going through all of this, both physically and mentally, where I get to this place where my brain says – you know what, if I’m going to ovulate, it better be more than one egg. When only one grows, I just joined the rest of the population who releases that one egg on their own and gets pregnant by having sex. Ha! Clearly these three-times-a-week jaunts down to my clinic and multiple stomach bruises do not put me in the same place as everyone else, and I would appreciate my body providing me with more than one large follie in order to say, “Thanks for putting up with my crap. Here’s two (or three) eggs for your effort and well-being.”

Plus, this is my last IUI. Yes, it really is. We’ve made up our minds, and have the luxury of being able to do that with our wonderful insurance. I can’t believe I’m getting very close to pulling out the big gun, IVF. It’s scary. Terrifying.

The funny thing is, I’ve recently mentioned IVF to a few people, especially those who I’ve not updated in a while. I don’t mind updating them when they ask, I really don’t. Talking about this has never been an issue. But it’s the funniest thing – the way people react. I’ve learned that most people do not know what IVF is. I guess I shouldn’t expect them to. But I feel like I always knew. I suppose that’s not the case. Anyway, the trend in comments is basically a congratulatory one. Yes, good for you. You’re doing IVF. Yay!

No, you don’t understand. This is the next step, yes. But it’s the last step. Not last last, like there’s no other options. But last as in..the last “common” type of fertility treatment. If that doesn’t work, to my knowledge my options are: surrogate, donor egg, adoption. And those will be done, if need be, but I mean – that’s, well, extreme. It just is. But as for IVF – I’m not happy about it. It’s not a “yay”. This is a step I’m not happy about doing. It’s a huge deal, and it’s scary.

Of course, people also don’t know what IVF entails. They seem to realize the severity of it once I get to the part where they go in and suck out the eggs, one by one. (I try to make it graphic for added effect.)

I’m jumping the gun, I know. I can’t help thinking about my next cycle after this one. Surgery, OHSS risks, and what if none of the eggs are viable? What if it doesn’t work?

One cycle at a time, and I’ll find out the progress on my little follie at yet another ultrasound tomorrow morning. I did start Ganirelix and as far as I know, that means ovulation might be..getting close? Or something? Had to order another round of follistim – blew through that first 900 iu pretty quick!

School is starting soon. My main reaction to this is happiness. I have a regret about this summer – I did nothing with it. I told myself I needed to do some projects, or something. Read some good books. I don’t know what the hell I did do this summer, but I know what I didn’t do. Anything. I wasted it. But then, I suppose the whole past year has been somewhat of a waste, and the only thing that got me through it with actual happiness was my last class. They were so wonderful. I laughed every day. Now, it’s back. Granted, I’m just starting to put my room back together again, and I’m getting a whole new round of kids, but having something to focus my mind on is such a relief. I almost forget this pregnancy mess.

But then today was a reminder of what is so far away. One of my most dedicated, happy, well-rounded 11-year old students from last year has come back to help me set up my room. He is actually one of a few students helping me out in my room this week, for which I am so grateful. But he was the first. We got a lot done; bulletin boards, attacking the closet, etc. I knew he was coming in advance and I told his mother I’d make him lunch as a thank you. Nothing much – just a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, an apple, a Gatorade, and chips. Well, he wolfed that sandwich down like it was his first meal on earth, and he raved about how delicious the bread was, how much he just loved the sandwich. He was also grateful for the rest of the food, and it’s not like he doesn’t eat at home! He has a wonderful family. I felt this sense of motherly..I don’t know, pride or something. Longing. That I could do something for him that he appreciated. Because he is coming back later in the week, and because my house is running out of food, I went to the grocery store after I left school. Bought more of that bread he loves (it’s my husband’s – with gluten), more jelly since we were out, Gatorade, etc. It made me happy to buy this food, and I will be even more happy when I go to make his lunch.  I realized how badly, how truly badly I want to be a mom. I want to be that mom in the store, thinking about my kids and remembering their favorite snacks, and bringing them home to make the kids happy. Such a simple little gesture but doing it for this student felt so good, it must be what mothers feel. I won’t go this far because he’s a student, not my kid, but I can’t wait to sneak a few m+m’s into a sandwich, or write a note that s/he finds at the bottom of his/her lunchbox that says “Have a great day. Love, Mom.” That’s what I want. That is the dominant feeling I am lacking most, the one that seems so very natural to me, and I think I do it well, but never have a chance to use it. I really do think I’m a natural mother. I’ve thought that for a very long time. Which is what makes this all the more difficult.

Like I said before, teaching is on the brain a bit now, and I’ll start updating my new teaching blog more often. If you haven’t checked it out yet, you can do so here. I’m a little confused with wordpress – a lot of people who read this blog are reading my new blog and getting the emails, but my new blog doesn’t say I have them as followers. I don’t get it!

10 thoughts on “A Natural Mother

  1. JustHeather says:

    I’m so sorry IF drugs just aren’t working for you after one cycle. I know I’d be totally frustrated!
    I understand both sides to the “Yay for IVF”. It definitely isn’t a step we WANT to have to resort to, but thankfully it is there and the chances of it working are a bit better than IUIs. For me, I didn’t feel IUI’s would work (they didn’t) so I was sort of excited for IVF, although also scared/nervous as it is a bigger step and more risks.
    If this IUI cycle doesn’t work, I do hope IVF works for you. It is also great that you have the chance to do IVF, unfortunately not everyone who needs it does.

    Also, that was so sweet of you to make the lunch for your helper. It sounds like the appreciation went both ways. 🙂 I have fond memories of some of my teachers, I’m sure this boy will remember you for ever!

  2. MrsTypeA says:

    That’s so frustrating that your body doesn’t want to cooperate! My first follistim cycle, my body didn’t do crap and we had to cancel – then my second suddenly I had 3 ovulate (we thought 4 at first). I was like how do you have extremes?! I guess you just never know how your body is going to react! I’ts normal to adjust the Follistim and the Ganirelix means you’re getting closer to ovulation time because they want to make sure you don’t ovulate too early! Yay! I hope that one follie is your ONE and it works this time!

    I also got frustrated with poeples reaction to IVF talk. I think they just don’t know what to say and you’re right – most people have NO clue what it entails!!
    I feel the same way about summer too – all I did was fertility stuff! UGH! I hope you have a great school year and I’m sure it’s tough being a teacher somedays because you are reminded of how it will feel when you have kiddos! Good luck!!

    • futuresoccermom says:

      Thanks so much!! I feel like my body went through the extremes as well – from three to one. But oh well. I appreciate the comments! People don’t know what to say and maybe it’s a lesson to keep my mouth shut!

  3. Sheree Winans says:

    I know you are looking ahead and finding it scary. I know you look at IVF as a “last straw” to have your own child but it’s natural to think about the future and worry. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. I just did some worrying a couple of days ago. I worried ALOT about the future and then I reeled myself back in to focus on the day. It’s all part of the process of dealing with a major obstacle in your life.
    Love you.

    P.S. I signed up for the teacher blog and haven’t received any emails that link me to it.

  4. 35life says:

    Wow, that is so weird about your cycles and ovulating every other. I’ve been having a pattern of short and long cycles and wonder if maybe I’m ovulating every other. Or if we truly alternate ovaries, maybe one of mine is more bum than the other. Good luck with everything and especially with back to school!

  5. Emily @ablanket2keep says:

    It sucks when your body doesn’t cooperate! I hope the cycle with that one little follicle is going well. Praying for that little one!
    Your story about giving your student lunch made me tear up a bit. I have done that with kids from our church and I know exactly how you feel. I have been practicing for years though. I sneak little snacks and notes in my Hubby’s lunch. Makes me happy.

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